

During my time at University of Southern California (USC), I worked closely with Michael Shindler and David Kempe on producing course content for the courses Data Structures and Object Oriented Design, Introduction to Algorithms and Theory of Computation, and Introduction to Operating Systems. In addition to working as a course producer at USC, I was also interested in algorithms, theory of computation, and programming langauages. I took Shang-Hua Teng's Advanced Analysis of AlgorithmsAaron Cote's Theory of Computation, and Michael Shindler's Programming Languages, all of which inspired me to pursue a career in research and teaching.

Prior to university, I had my K - 12 education from International School of Beijing (ISB). I completed my International Baccalaureate Diploma in 2012. My extra-curriculars were mainly Wushu (Chinese martial arts) and Boy Scouts of America, of which I received my Eagle Scout Award in 2010. I am originally from Taiwan, but never received formal education there.


I have recently started joining Aikido practice with Indiana University’s Aikido Club. I used to play the violin, but regretfully stopped in 2010 after passing the ABRSM Violin Grade 8 exam; I've dabbled in piano since then. In my free time I like to cook, make coffee, listen and search for new music artists, and play narrative-driven video games (my top 3 are The Bioshock Series, Nier Automata, and Hollow Knight).